"use strict";(self.webpackChunkgravityforms=self.webpackChunkgravityforms||[]).push([[376],{1154:function(n,e,t){t.r(e),t.d(e,{default:function(){return m}});var o,s=t(5518),i=t(191),c=t.n(i),r=t(2340),p=t.n(r),a=t(7329),d=t.n(a),l=(null===d()||void 0===d()||null===(o=d().components)||void 0===o?void 0:o.post_select)||{},u=function(n){var e=(0,s.getClosest)(n,".gform-settings-field"),t=n.dataset.postType,o=l[t],i=o.endpoints,r=o.data;p().instances.postSelects.push(new(c())({container:e.id,selector:"gform-settings-field-select",render:!1,renderListData:!0,searchType:"async",onItemSelect:function(n){return function(n,e){(0,s.getNodes)("gf-post-select-input",!0,e,!1)[0].value=n}(n,e)},baseUrl:i.get,endpoints:i,endpointKey:"get",endpointRequestOptions:{method:"GET"},endpointUseRest:!0,listData:r}))},f=function(n){!function(n){p().components.Dropdown||(p().components.Dropdown=c()),p().instances.postSelects=[],n.forEach((function(n){u(n)}))}(n)},m=function(n){f(n),(0,s.consoleInfo)("Gravity Forms Admin: Initialized post select dropdown component.")}}}]);import { Select2 } from '@elementor/app-ui'; /** * Main component. * * @param {any} props * @return {any} - * @class */ export default function ConditionSubId( props ) { if ( ! props.sub || ! Object.keys( props.subIdAutocomplete ).length ) { return ''; } const settings = React.useMemo( () => getSettings( props.subIdAutocomplete ), [ props.subIdAutocomplete ] ); const onChange = ( e ) => props.updateConditions( props.id, { subId: e.target.value } ); return (
); } /** * Get settings for the select2 base on the autocomplete settings, * that passes as a prop * * @param {any} autocomplete * @return {Object} - */ function getSettings( autocomplete ) { return { allowClear: false, placeholder: __( 'All', 'elementor-pro' ), dir: elementorCommon.config.isRTL ? 'rtl' : 'ltr', ajax: { transport( params, success, failure ) { return elementorCommon.ajax.addRequest( 'pro_panel_posts_control_filter_autocomplete', { data: { q: params.data.q, autocomplete, }, success, error: failure, } ); }, data( params ) { return { q: params.term, page: params.page, }; }, cache: true, }, escapeMarkup( markup ) { return markup; }, minimumInputLength: 1, }; } ConditionSubId.propTypes = { subIdAutocomplete: PropTypes.object, id: PropTypes.string.isRequired, sub: PropTypes.string, subId: PropTypes.string, updateConditions: PropTypes.func, subIdOptions: PropTypes.array, }; ConditionSubId.defaultProps = { subId: '', subIdOptions: [], }; ( function ( $ ) { CartAbandonmentSettings = { init() { $( '#wcf_ca_custom_filter_from' ) .datepicker( { dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd', maxDate: '0', onClose( selectedDate ) { jQuery( '#wcf_ca_custom_filter_to' ).datepicker( 'option', 'minDate', selectedDate ); }, } ) .attr( 'readonly', 'readonly' ) .css( 'background', 'white' ); $( '#wcf_ca_custom_filter_to' ) .datepicker( { dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd', maxDate: '0', onClose( selectedDate ) { jQuery( '#wcf_ca_custom_filter_from' ).datepicker( 'option', 'maxDate', selectedDate ); }, } ) .attr( 'readonly', 'readonly' ) .css( 'background', 'white' ); $( '#wcf_ca_custom_filter' ).on( 'click', function () { const from = $( '#wcf_ca_custom_filter_from' ).val().trim(); const to = $( '#wcf_ca_custom_filter_to' ).val().trim(); let url = window.location.search; url = url + '&from_date=' + from + '&to_date=' + to + '&filter=custom'; window.location.href = url; } ); $( '#wcf_search_id_submit' ).on( 'click', function () { const search = $( '#wcf_search_id_search_input' ).val().trim(); window.location.href = window.location.search + '&search_term=' + search; } ); // Hide initially. $( '#wcf_ca_discount_type, #wcf_ca_coupon_amount, #wcf_ca_coupon_expiry, #wcf_ca_zapier_cart_abandoned_webhook, #wcf_ca_coupon_code_status, #wcf_ca_gdpr_message' ) .closest( 'tr' ) .hide(); if ( $( '#wcf_ca_gdpr_status:checked' ).length ) { $( '#wcf_ca_gdpr_message' ).closest( 'tr' ).show(); } if ( $( '#wcf_ca_zapier_tracking_status:checked' ).length ) { $( '#wcf_ca_zapier_cart_abandoned_webhook, #wcf_ca_coupon_code_status' ) .closest( 'tr' ) .show(); } if ( $( '#wcf_ca_coupon_code_status:checked' ).length && $( '#wcf_ca_zapier_tracking_status:checked' ).length ) { $( '#wcf_ca_discount_type, #wcf_ca_coupon_amount, #wcf_ca_coupon_expiry' ) .closest( 'tr' ) .show(); } $( '#wcf_ca_coupon_code_status' ).on( 'click', function () { if ( ! $( '#wcf_ca_coupon_code_status:checked' ).length ) { $( '#wcf_ca_discount_type, #wcf_ca_coupon_amount, #wcf_ca_coupon_expiry' ) .closest( 'tr' ) .fadeOut(); } else { $( '#wcf_ca_discount_type, #wcf_ca_coupon_amount, #wcf_ca_coupon_expiry' ) .closest( 'tr' ) .fadeIn(); } } ); $( '#wcf_ca_gdpr_status' ).on( 'click', function () { if ( ! $( '#wcf_ca_gdpr_status:checked' ).length ) { $( '#wcf_ca_gdpr_message' ).closest( 'tr' ).fadeOut(); } else { $( '#wcf_ca_gdpr_message' ).closest( 'tr' ).fadeIn(); } } ); $( '#wcf_ca_zapier_tracking_status' ).on( 'click', function () { if ( ! $( '#wcf_ca_zapier_tracking_status:checked' ).length ) { $( '#wcf_ca_zapier_cart_abandoned_webhook, #wcf_ca_coupon_code_status' ) .closest( 'tr' ) .fadeOut(); } else { $( '#wcf_ca_zapier_cart_abandoned_webhook, #wcf_ca_coupon_code_status' ) .closest( 'tr' ) .fadeIn(); } if ( $( '#wcf_ca_coupon_code_status:checked' ).length && $( '#wcf_ca_zapier_tracking_status:checked' ).length ) { $( '#wcf_ca_discount_type, #wcf_ca_coupon_amount, #wcf_ca_coupon_expiry' ) .closest( 'tr' ) .fadeIn(); } else { $( '#wcf_ca_discount_type, #wcf_ca_coupon_amount, #wcf_ca_coupon_expiry' ) .closest( 'tr' ) .fadeOut(); } } ); if ( ! $( '#wcf_ca_send_recovery_report_emails_to_admin:checked' ) .length ) { $( '#wcf_ca_admin_email' ).closest( 'tr' ).hide(); } $( '#wcf_ca_send_recovery_report_emails_to_admin' ).on( 'click', function () { if ( ! $( '#wcf_ca_send_recovery_report_emails_to_admin:checked' ).length ) { $( '#wcf_ca_admin_email' ).closest( 'tr' ).fadeOut(); } else { $( '#wcf_ca_admin_email' ).closest( 'tr' ).fadeIn(); } } ); }, }; ZapierSettings = { init() { $( document ).on( 'click', '#wcf_ca_trigger_web_hook_abandoned_btn', { order_status: 'abandoned' }, ZapierSettings.zapier_trigger_sample ); }, zapier_trigger_sample( event ) { const zapier_webhook_url = $( '#wcf_ca_zapier_cart_' + event.data.order_status + '_webhook' ) .val() .trim(); if ( ! zapier_webhook_url.length ) { $( '#wcf_ca_' + event.data.order_status + '_btn_message' ) .text( wcf_ca_details.strings.verify_url_error ) .fadeIn() .css( 'color', '#dc3232' ) .delay( 2000 ) .fadeOut(); return; } $( '#wcf_ca_' + event.data.order_status + '_btn_message' ) .text( wcf_ca_details.strings.trigger_process ) .fadeIn(); if ( $.trim( zapier_webhook_url ) !== '' ) { const sample_data = { first_name: wcf_ca_details.name, last_name: wcf_ca_details.surname, email: wcf_ca_details.email, phone: wcf_ca_details.phone, order_status: event.data.order_status, checkout_url: window.location.origin + '/checkout/?wcf_ac_token=something', coupon_code: 'abcgefgh', product_names: 'Product1, Product2 & Product3', cart_total: wcf_ca_details.woo_currency_symbol + '20', product_table: '
Item Name Quantity Price Line Subtotal
Product1 1 £85.00 £85.00
', }; $.ajax( { url: zapier_webhook_url, type: 'POST', data: sample_data, success( data ) { const response = ZapierSettings.handle_zapier_response( data ); if ( response ) { $( '#wcf_ca_' + event.data.order_status + '_btn_message' ) .text( wcf_ca_details.strings.trigger_success ) .css( 'color', '#46b450' ); } else { $( '#wcf_ca_' + event.data.order_status + '_btn_message' ) .text( wcf_ca_details.strings.trigger_failed ) .css( 'color', '#dc3232' ); } $( '#wcf_ca_' + event.data.order_status + '_btn_message' ) .fadeIn() .delay( 2000 ) .fadeOut(); }, error() { $( '#wcf_ca_' + event.data.order_status + '_btn_message' ) .text( wcf_ca_details.strings.trigger_failed ) .css( 'color', '#dc3232' ); }, } ); } else { $( 'wcf_ca' + event.data.order_status + '_btn_message' ) .text( wcf_ca_details.strings.verify_url ) .fadeIn() .delay( 2000 ) .fadeOut(); } }, handle_zapier_response( data ) { let status = false; if ( typeof data === 'object' && [ 'success', 'accepted' ].includes( data.status ) ) { status = true; } else if ( typeof data === 'string' ) { const resp_string = data.toLowerCase(); if ( [ 'success', 'accepted' ].includes( resp_string ) ) { status = true; } } return status; }, }; ToolTipHover = { init() { $( '.wcf-ca-report-table-row .wcf-ca-icon-row' ).on( 'hover', function () { $( this ) .find( '.wcf-ca-tooltip-text' ) .toggleClass( 'display_tool_tip' ); } ); }, }; $( function () { CartAbandonmentSettings.init(); ZapierSettings.init(); ToolTipHover.init(); } ); } )( jQuery );